Texas: stay of execution for Melissa Lucio – just two days before scheduled execution
Just two days before her execution scheduled for Wednesday by the U.S. state of Texas, Melissa Lucio has been granted a stay of execution by a Texas court.
The 53-year-old mother of 14 was sentenced to death for allegedly killing her two-year-old daughter Mariah in 2007. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals stayed the execution and remanded the case back to a lower court.
To be considered were possible false testimony, without which the jury would not have convicted her, and previously unavailable scientific evidence regarding the child’s injuries, as well as suppressed evidence in favor of the defendants, so that the question of guilt as such must be revisited.
In the meantime, there are serious doubts that Melissa Lucio abused her daughter Mariah and was responsible for her death – rather, there is much to suggest that the child sustained the injuries when she fell down a flight of stairs.
Melissa Lucio’s family, as well as organizations such as Death Penalty Action and numerous celebrities, have made an unprecedented commitment and effort in recent weeks and months to publicize Melissa Lucio’s case nationally and internationally.
With the slogan “Watch the Film,” activists urged people to watch a documentary film about Melissa Lucio that impressively casts massive doubt on the guilt of the woman of Hispanic origin.
More information:
Melissa Lucio: 10 Facts You Should Know About This Innocent Woman Facing Execution