
If you would like to get involved against the death penalty, you will find current online petitions and letter campaigns here in which you can participate. Furthermore, there is the possibility to write petitions yourself. You can find instructions here.

Petitions for prisoners with current execution dates in the USA can also be found in the table “Scheduled executions (USA)”!

NEW included actions and petitions:
URGENT ACTIONS from Amnesty International:
Notes on the petitions listed with us:
The petitions presented on this page reach the Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty from a variety of sources, both other organizations and private individuals.
Sources and organizations with further petitions:
Online petitions of the American organization DEATH PENALTY ACTION, in which you can participate – the petitions concern death row inmates of the USA with execution date or despite postponement running actions.
Online petitions of the American organization CATHOLIC MOBILIZING NETWORK, in which you can participate; the petitions are formulated from the point of view of Catholic Christians, but most of them can be edited individually.
Online petitions of the Catholic organization SANT’EGIDIO: The petitions are written from the point of view of Catholic Christians. Sant’Egidio has its origins in Italy, but is spread all over the world.
Online petitions of the English organization REPRIEVE: The petitions often concern death penalty cases worldwide. Reprieve is a human rights organization based in the United Kingdom.
A comprehensive Collection of petitions you will find on the German website “Todesstrafe-Nachrichten”!