
Our association is financed exclusively by membership fees and donations. All members of the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty work on a voluntary basis.
Both membership fees and donations are used exclusively for our work against the death penalty. Our main sources of expenditure include events and campaigns, support for projects and groups abroad as well as costs for internet portals and postage costs.
If you would also like to support our work, please direct your donation to the donation account below.
Of course, we will be happy to issue a donation receipt upon request. (Up to 300 € in Germany the tax office accepts payment receipts. For this purpose, you can print our general donation receipt.)
Every donation helps in our work for the worldwide abolition of the death penalty.
Thank you!
Bank details – ATTENTION: NEW!
Account holder: Initiative gegen die Todesstrafe e.V.
Bank: Nassauische Sparkasse
BLZ: 510 500 15
Account no.: 368 08 82 82
IBAN: DE82 5105 0015 0368 0882 82
The German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is recognized as a non-profit organization. This means that the tax office checks every 3 years that our expenses are used according to the statutes – another security for you that your money is actually used for its intended purpose.