Lectures / Panel discussions

Death Penalty in Japan: Info Evening in Bochum in March 2016
The university group Amnesty International Bochum was the organizer of an info evening on the death penalty in Japan on March 22, 2016 – the event was repeated at a later date.
Invited speakers were Sina Vogt from the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty who informed in a first part about the death penalty in general and worldwide, and Renate Müller-Wollermann from Amnesty International with the focus on the death penalty in Japan.
Afterwards, the university group informed about the case of the Japanese Matsumoto Kenji, which they are specifically in charge of.
Details and pictures as well as the link to a petition for Matsumoto Kenji can be found in this report.
A video recording of the part of the event organized by Sina Vogt can be found here in our Youtube channel:
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4
Interactive lecture in November 2014 in Wiesbaden
Invitation to the Event:

Video recordings of other lectures by members of the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty in cooperation with other organizations can be found in our Youtube channel!