Demo for Rodney Reed in Berlin on March 1st, 2015

The group FREE MUMIA BERLIN organized a demonstration in front of the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, against the death penalty and specifically for Rodney Reed, who was scheduled to be executed in Texas on March 5th. Rodney Reed had already received a stay of execution, yet the demonstration was held.
The German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty was represented by Anja Pentrop, who had organized a tourist bike and pasted it with our banners and gave a speech for the GCADP (see below!).
Speech of the GCADP – Anja Pentrop at the demo in Berlin
Here you can find more pictures and reports!
Demonstration in front of the US Embassy in London
The organization Voices for Death Row Inmates called for a protest in front of the U.S. Embassy in London for the International Day Against the Death Penalty on October 10th, 2010.
- Michael O’Brien – served 11 years innocent for murder in prison
- Juan Melendez – served nearly 18 years innocent on Florida’s death row
- Judi Caruso – American attorney and anti-death penalty activist
- Connie Wright – was a witness at the execution of her husband Greg Wright
- Bente Hjortshoj – was a witness at the execution of her pen pal Greg Wright
- Gabi Uhl – witness to two executions and vice chairperson of the GCADP
- Susanne Cardona – chairperson of the Germany Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
Lecture Gabi Uhl – 1st part
Lecture Gabi Uhl – 2nd part
Lecture Susanne Cardona – 1st part
Lecture Susanne Cardona – 2nd part
Front row (organizers): Daniel Brookes, Linda Taylor, Elaine Tyler, Claire Taylor-JonesBack
row (speakers): Michael, Gabi, Bente, Susanne, Connie, Juan, Judi (from left to right)
Audience “in the cage”…