Mississippi: David Neal Cox executed – first execution since 2012

On Wednesday night, 50-year-old David Neal Cox was executed by lethal injection in the U.S. state of Mississippi.

He was sentenced to death for killing his ex-wife and raping his 12-year-old stepdaughter in 2010. Cox abandoned his appeals to be executed – it was the first execution of a death sentence in Mississippi since 2012.

Burl Cain, 78, former warden of Louisiana’s formerly notorious Angola Prison and now in favor of sentencing reform in Parchman, Mississippi, was in charge of Cox a little over an hour before his execution: “He expressed a lot, a lot of remorse for what he did and said he was once a good person before he became a bad person.”

Mississippi carried out six death sentences in 2012. The state has no further executions scheduled after Cox’s execution. Mississippi has more than 30 people on death row.

Source https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/1st-mississippi-execution-years-set-man-killing-81221200