World Day Against the Death Penalty – WOMEN on Death Row – Part 5: Cathy Sarinana, California (USA)
WOMEN sentenced to death:
An invisible reality

On October 10, 2021, the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty will be dedicated to women,
… who are at risk of being sentenced to death ,
… who have received a death sentence ,
… who have been executed, and
… those whose death sentence has been commuted or overturned for innocence.
Cathy Sarinana, 45, has lived on California’s death row since 2009. She and her former husband received the death sentence because they are blamed for the deaths of their two nephews (ages 11 and 13) in 2005. Cathy and Raul Sarinana already had two children of their own when they temporarily took in their nephews. There is talk of cruel mistreatment in the media reports, but it ultimately remains unclear whose account of the couple the results of the autopsy report.
While the alleged course of events is described in glowing colors in newspaper reports, there is hardly anything to read about Cathy’s own past – to what extent she herself had been a victim of abuse or whether she had been subjected to domestic violence by her husband. Or to what extent she was highly overwhelmed with suddenly four children instead of two, or whether she was using drugs.

None of this would be an excuse, but it would be an explanation to some extent. In any case, the Youth Welfare Office did not intervene despite several indications and thus failed. The fact that one does not read anything about what Cathy’s defense attorneys presented about her in court may allow one to draw conclusions about the quality of the defense – often enough, public defenders do a poor job due to poor pay and lack of experience.
Due to the thematic focus of this year’s World Day Against the Death Penalty we had written to the 50 or so women on death row in the U.S. asking for contributions to give them a voice, and also offered letter writing contacts. Cathy sent the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty this drawing:

“Happy Thanksgiving” – the Thanksgiving holiday celebrated in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday of November – is traditionally held in high regard by Americans as a family celebration. Possibly behind Cathy’s drawing is the longing for an intact and loving family, which she neither had nor could give.
“Happy Thanksgiving” – but this is perhaps not only the longing for family and for “normality”. It may also be the wish for her two biological children, that they may have a happy life and one day be able to forgive their parents.
Cathy Sarinana would not be the first to sincerely regret her actions. The victims’ older sister believes the death sentence for her aunt and uncle is appropriate – but it would only create new suffering if carried out. As hard as it is to let go of the understandable feelings of hatred and anger – in the end, it would be a worthwhile release from feelings that eat you up inside.
In our submission form, Cathy wrote in the column asking if there was anything else she would like to share, “Thank you for your kindness!” Perhaps Cathy is simply a polite person. Possibly, however, she has a special appreciation for kindness shown to her because she hasn’t experienced much kindness in her life…
Several women in U.S. death row are looking for pen pals through our website – such as in Arizona (Sammantha U.), California (Tanya N. and Cherie R.), Mississippi (Lisa C.), and North Carolina (Carlette P.). Visit our pen pal pages!
Gabi Uhl
German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
I do NOT agree with this at all. She knowingly abused and tortured her nephews. Burning them with a cigarette isn’t something you do because you didn’t get love at home. She knew right from wrong so why should she have her execution overturned? And why only women? If this is the case about Cathy then why bother putting anyone on death row? That will be their excuse every time. So why didnt Aileen Wuornos have that chance? She was REALLY abused with all those abuses out there but no compassion was given to her.
These boys didn’t have a chance at life and they were abused, not because she never knew any better, or, she didn’t get love growing up and she was craving it! Bull. She just hated the fact that she had 2 more mouths to feed. If all these killers were given a second chance because “They never got love growing up “, then the world would be empty of human beings. People know right from wrong and burning a child with cigarettes is wrong and she knew it. So, I don’t think it should be turned over.
And, big deal, she made a Thanksgiving picture. Trying to get on the good side of people.
Dear Susan,
First of all to your question “Why only women?” – the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty as well as the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty reject Capital Punishment in any case. For men and women. The reason for the focus on women in 2021 was just the fact that it was the theme of the World Day Against the Death Penalty that year – each World Day has its special subject, but it doesn’t mean others aren’t important, too.
We didn’t agree with the execution of Aileen Wuornos, too, of course – unfortunately it’s too late for her. Being an opponent of the Death Penalty doesn’t mean on the other side that we would not demand punishment. But not with more killing. Life Sentence is enough.
When I took on the task of writing the accompanying text on Cathy Sarinana for this blog article, I first did some research and gathered information about her. There was a lot to read about what she was accused of, and I have to say it initially triggered a lot of anger in me. I wanted to shake her and shout at her: ‘WHY DID YOU DO THAT?
But I also realized that I basically know far too little about her to allow myself to judge her. About her actions, if they were described correctly, sure. But not about her as a person, who should not be reduced to her deeds – her background and her further development should not be disregarded. Because I don’t know anything about this, my thoughts on this are necessarily speculative, but at least possible.
Of course, nothing justifies the abuse or mistreatment of children. But the death penalty doesn’t make the world a better place, on the contrary. We need to look for the causes and prevent violence against children in advance instead of responding with more violence afterwards.
Gabi Uhl
German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
I agree with Susan that this post is in bad taste. I am against the death penalty. You can argue against the death penalty without minimizing the crimes committed. Two boys were tortured for god knows how long. We know this from the victims own journal. There is no excuse in the world to inflict that violence on two children. Should she die? No. Should she be praised and forgiven in an attempt to argue against the death penalty? Also no.
I neither wanted to minimize the crimes committed nor did I want to praise or excuse her. I’m sorry, you got that impression. I already tried to explain myself in my reply to Susan.
Cathy waa my nieces best friend in high school. And into adulthood..thankfully they parted ways as they grew older..Cathy always had serious issues . Weight issues, self esteem..embellishing the truth..however it was our familys home in big bear where she came after Raul killed Ricky. Showed up in the middle of dinner..theres so many sister spent days in corona Testifying for the prosecution..shes exactly where she beings..